- Seaton Good Neighbours
Seaton Good Neighbours is a network of local volunteers established during 2020 to help villagers who were self-isolating or needed help during Covid 19. These volunteers are happy to help with any task including the collection of prescriptions; shopping; dog walking; or, just calling you regularly to keep in touch and check if you need support. Those who wish to volunteer or who need assistance can contact Seaton Good Neighbours by texting Karyn Slatter on 07506 744288. In addition, anyone living in Seaton can join the Seaton Community email distribution which is run by Helen Coop and circulates details of local issues such as forthcoming events, road closures, missing pets etc. You can contact Helen by emailing her at
- What's On
We endeavour to publicise local events and are always pleased to be contacted with details.
We cannot accept any responsibilities for external information provided nor any web-links. - Seaton Village Hall
Details of regular public events in the hall and how you can hire the hall for private functions.
- How to use the Seaton Defibrillator
This page outlines the location and type of defibrillator in Seaton, and includes a short (4 minute) film clip that shows you how to use it.
- Uppingham Patient Participation Group
Feedback from the Uppingham Patient Participation Group and how you can have your say about local health services.
- Neighbourhood Watch
Find out what the neighbourhood watch team is up to.
- Lucky Number draw
Details of the Seaton Lucky Number Draw, including how to enter, the prizes and recent price winners.
- Gallery
Picture gallery of the Parish.
- Useful links
A quick reference guide to essential services.