18th January 2025

Search Seaton Parish Council

Seaton Parish Council Serving the people of Seaton

Lucky Number Draw

Did you know that Seaton has its own, slightly smaller, version of the National Lottery?

It is called the Lucky Number Club and is run by Bob Williams. Tickets cost £20 per annum and this enters you into a draw at the end of every month for a first prize of £40 or a second prize of £20.

It also enters you for an additional larger draw in December with prizes of up to £100.

Most importantly though, the draw helps raise funds for the Village Hall.

So, if you haven't already joined you should call Bob Williams on 01572 747044.

Details of winners are published regularly in the News Section of the website and repeated in the attached Document which provides a summary of winners for the year.

Last updated: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 13:11