18th January 2025

Search Seaton Parish Council

Seaton Parish Council Serving the people of Seaton

Seaton help for elderly or vulnerable residents during the Covid 19 Pandemic.

With thanks to Helen Coop, Karyn Slatter, Katherine Sale, Caroline Lammie and Babs Gregory, arrangements are now in place to provide neighbourhood support for those who need it during the pandemic.

This includes help shopping, collecting prescriptions, dog walking, getting feed for your animals, or simply keeping in touch to make sure that we are all well.

If you are unwell or unable to get out and need something, or fancy a chat with neighbours, you should text 07506744288 or email seatonrutland@gmail.com to ask for help. Please include your name, address and telephone number along with details of what you require.

Those who need help collecting prescriptions from Uppingham Surgery should call Katherine Sale on 01572 747647. Katherine Sale and Caroline Lammie will then arrange the collection and delivery of your prescriptions, normally on a Wednesday.

In addition, if you need help to get animal feed for pets, horses or chickens, Richard Woolveridge and Anna are happy to take orders and deliver direct to you. To make an order or ask for further details on products available, please contact Ellie directly on 07713056199.

Finally, we attach a list of local suppliers that proved useful during the first lockdown in Spring 2020. Some of these details have changed but the contact numbers may still be useful.

Last updated: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 11:33